Thursday, June 01, 2006

An Announcement

This is to notify all the readers that "The Letter", the 1st story of The collage has complete. We are greatful to all the readers who encouraged us with their wonderful comments.Keep coming back to "The Collage". The next story will start very soon. Meanwhile you can read the whole story of "The Letter" and download it from here. This pdf version is free from all the typing mistakes and oher errors our posts had.
Keep visitng and enjoy the stories.
Blog Management
"The Collage"


Soumyadip said...

Looking forward for the next edition.

Lucifer said...

What happened?

Where is everybody?

Anonymous said...

Waiting eagerly for next part of "The Night"

Nabanita said...

wait guys..for 6hours more...tonight u can see the new post....hopefully...