Saturday, September 16, 2006


"Different minds, different views, different ideas: merged together to form a thing...a story
The Collage of Our Brain Imprints"-unfortunately we are not following these words.....

Sorry friends......I'm quitting "The Collage" ...pardon me....

BEST OF LUCK TO "The Collage"


Anonymous said...

Bojho ! Evabe cholle toh collage-er mrittyu oboshyombhaabi. ta nater guru ti ke? ei ghotla pakaabar jonno je manush-ti dayi takei ba ber kore dewa hochhena keno (pichone shopaate lathi mere)?

Arekta solution ache... delete the blog !!

Lucifer said...

If you could, please inform me of the reason.

Its really bad that you left.